Recently, the WKBW has made a report regarding the situation with the fake IDs in New York. They have timed it to fall, the beginning of the first semester in state colleges and universities. The main message of the report is to stay away from fake IDs, because of the serious legal consequences: criminal charges and possible identity theft. As Chris Jacobs, who is a clerk at Erie County administration, has stated, that anyone trying to order a fake ID via the Internet and providing his name and other details online, is putting himself in danger, literally “rolling the dice”. Governor Andrew Cuomo has issued a warning, according to which any student who is looking for a fake ID is at risk of becoming a victim of identity theft. This is not uncommon: during the last year, the New York DMV has become aware of several dozens of identity theft crimes, and most of the victims were the students with fake driving licenses, ordered those from Asian companies (particularly, Chinese). Not ...